Why You Should Work With a Design+Build Firm From Start to Finish
Whether you’re looking to remodel your existing home or are planning a brand new construction, utilizing the expertise of a design+build firm ensures the highest quality final product at the best possible price.

Whether you’re looking to remodel your existing home or are planning a brand new construction, utilizing the expertise of a design+build firm ensures the highest quality final product at the best possible price.
Traditionally, when it came to residential projects like home renovations or construction, the design of a construct was undertaken by an independent architect or designer. Their design would then be handed over to the client, who would proceed to let different general contractors bid on the project. This delivery method has one key issue: the designer and the general contractors are not always on the same page.
This is where the design-build method of construction shines. A multi-licensed company like MDH Builders has a team of architects and designers who are integrated into the project throughout. This means projects are given special attention at all stages of completion, with designers able to communicate with builders quickly and effectively. The upshot of this is fewer problems, quicker construction, and lower prices.
Below we will discuss the key benefits of using a design+build firm for your next construction project.

Continuous Teamwork
A design-build team is always on the same wavelength. By being part of the same team, they always have the same end goal: to deliver the best possible project that exceeds the customer’s expectations. This non-linear method of construction means there can be a constant overlap of design and construction, with both sides keeping communication channels well and truly open throughout the project.
By working with familiar faces, design-build teams have the advantage of unified working practices and an overarching company ethos. This shared vision means they can deliver projects a lot more efficiently and to a higher standard.
With traditional methods, known as design-bid-build, this teamwork is simply not possible.
Whereas traditionally a general contracting firm will work with different architects and designers from one project to the next, design and build companies keep them in-house. This means they are as much part of the team as the contractors themselves. Having them on-team ensures a continual line of communication, with designers and contractors working with each other without friction.

A True Team of Experts
By having a team of designers in-house, companies like MDH Builders have created a cohesive group of experts.
Incorporating experts in the fields of design and construction together means projects come together cohesively, with design plans made to utilize the expertise on hand within the team. In this way, expert design-build teams can draw upon each other’s pool of knowledge and experience, delivering exceptional projects every time.
This contrasts with the world of traditional design-bid-build construction, where this inter-communication is often not possible. Often, there is a disparity between the quality of design and the work being undertaken and vice versa. This is because subbed-out design means there is no prior knowledge of the skillset of the team doing the construction.
Without using a design and build method of construction, there is no ability to exceed expectations by playing on a team’s particular strengths. Designs are drafted with simplicity in mind to avoid potential confusion, missing out on opportunities for creativity and inventiveness.

Easier Lines of Communication
By hiring a design+build firm, customers will also find the lines of communication a lot more streamlined, often with only one point of contact necessary.
In some older paradigms of construction, a customer in need of some house remodeling, for example, would need to consult an architect or designer. They would prepare some drafts that the customer would sign off and hand over to a team of contractors who may never be in any kind of communication with the designer.
If any problems occur during the time of the project, the customer may be required to act as an inter-communicator between the contractors and the designer. These sorts of issues are common and often cause significant delays and a number of headaches.
As a design and build team are one cohesive unit, this is never an issue. By communicating with project managers and team members, you are speaking to the firm as a whole, meaning both designers and contractors. This results in fewer telephone calls and a much smoother project.

Time and Money Savings
Design and build firms are also the most effective ways of cutting construction time down and finding ways to make budgets go further.
As with any project, the designing and construction of a project involve countless timelines that all need to be coordinated and kept in pace with each other. Whenever there is a change of plan or delay, this can throw an entire project out of sync.
With design-build construction, the whole project is a lot more elastic. Big decisions, revisions, and adaptations can be made with minimal disruption because the lines of communication are so fast. Everyone knows who they need to communicate with at any point.
One study found that design-build construction delivers projects up to 33% faster than traditional methods. This is due to a single point of contact method of delivery. You are working with a single company, meaning fewer delays, fewer overlooked mistakes, and more accurate estimates, with managers knowing the team’s capabilities.
This, in turn, saves money. Design-build projects cost on average anything up to 10% less than traditional construction, thanks to the more streamlined process of having a cohesive team. The ability for designers, project managers, and contractors to all intercommunicate readily means supplies are not wasted or overordered, one of the leading causes of broken budgets.
An in-house understanding of a team also means time estimates are accurate, meaning customers will know upfront the schedule for completion and a budget they can rely upon. This means customers can start using their property sooner, saving on outside expenses such as offsite accommodation.

Customer Involvement
Design and build teams are also great for keeping the customer fully involved in the project’s development by having a single point of contact. Owners often find they feel more in control of a project as it develops as there is no crosstalk between different parties, meaning small changes and alterations to plans can be achieved a lot easier.
Using an all-in-one solution like MDH Builders means designers can be consulted and respond to customer queries in a more timely manner. If there is a way to accommodate a customer request during a project build, the design-build method is the most responsive way of doing so.
Project Accountability
Finally, design-build construction involves a single point of responsibility, meaning you know where the buck stops, minimizing risk for owners. A design-build team will not cut corners or deliver inferior projects. Not only because these companies take great pride in their work, but because there is no one else to be held accountable.
With traditional projects, costs rise, and problems being overlooked are extremely common. Designers blame contractors, and contractors blame the designers. This doesn’t happen with a design-build company, as the estimates are accurate and the team is a single entity. More attention is paid to the finer details, meaning fewer errors and a more comprehensive appreciation for a project’s entire scope, with all aspects being considered.

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