Make the Most of Your Home with the Right Renovation
It’s said every item in your home needs a home of its own if the space is to stay organized. The same holds true for people and their possessions; that is, those living in your home need spaces dedicated to them, a place to call their own. They need privacy and need a place to put their clothes, books, accessories, electronics, and shoes to stay organized.
Just as staying organized is essential for every household member, personal privacy is vital to an individual’s sense of well-being. Most individuals living in a home need space away from each other to unwind and collect their thoughts in peace and quiet. Teens need a spot to entertain their friends, just as parents need a place to hold private conversations or host their adult friends.
Is a Renovation in Order?
If your home lacks peace and positivity, it could be a sign a home renovation is in order. Maybe the children have grown, and the open concept home is too noisy when they practice their musical instrument or play with their electronics.
Whether you’re sensing it’s time to add another bedroom, sunroom, or to finish the basement, it’s good to identify what you need and find a contractor to do the job. You might have a creative mind, but an expert in the field can get you farther along faster.

Here are a few points to get you started on seeing your dream renovation unfold:
1. Pinpoint the problem you’re having with the house the way it is. Is a new bedroom needed for a growing child? Do teens need a space to entertain friends? Does mom need a quiet spot to relax? Does the work-from-home entrepreneur need office space? Does a tall person long for a shower they don’t have to crouch under? Is an extra bathroom in order?
2. Next, poll family members to find out what they wish for. This might range from having their own closet space and a spot to keep personal journals or documents to a sports equipment room where they can lay out their hockey gear and know it won’t be moved. It may include a separate TV or computer room where a person doesn’t have to fight noise interruptions or where they could hold video conferencing calls. Coats and shoes may be a problem if there isn’t a dedicated space for such that suits everyone. Maybe a mudroom is needed.

3. Consider the future. Will the renovation you have in mind be practical over the long term? When your children outgrow their playroom, can it easily be converted into a more adult space? Will converting a bedroom into a large washroom make the house more or less marketable in the future? Will finishing a basement or adding a sunroom add long-term value to your home? Are built-ins practical? After all, styles change.
4. Next, consider if there are niches or rooms you may be able to convert or if a complete addition or basement finish is preferred. Could you transform a seldom-used living room or dining room into an office or music room? Could a closet be repurposed into a small art nook? Would upright storage be a good solution for excessive children’s toys? Would finishing the basement be the best solution for everyone? If so, how many rooms do you need and for what purposes?

Once you have identified your needs and a possible solution, consult with a talented contractor or two for a quote. Explain your dream and listen to feedback. Those who have completed home renovations for others may more easily identify what will work in your space. They may share where hidden costs lie and may be able to suggest more creative solutions than you can think of yourself.
Every home improvement dream starts with taking a step. Create a plan, contact a contractor, get feedback, update yourself on the latest styles and fixtures, and ask for an estimate for the work. Now is an excellent time to start working on your dream renovation.

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